Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Dreams designed by Dalí in Spellbound (1945)

This last weekend I went to see Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound at 176 Zabludowicz collection in Chalk Farm.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sydney Southam wins the Vice Kopparberg Klash

I know it's old news already, but I had these pictures stored up from a while back in the Summer, and thought I'd share the moments when the wonderful Canadian artist that is Sydney Southam won the award for the film category to take £1,000 smackeroonies and a Vice internship. I was super happy for her that night!

I pose with Sydney here. And the gorgeous artist Alix Marie is also in the middle!

Keeping the good times rolling!

Friday, 22 October 2010

Spellbound, Paris Summer weekend, Voyages with Leo and Katie

A beautiful getaway weekend in Paris with my best friend Katie, this Summer. As soon as we arrive, we are met by Katie's Dad who we timed the trip to coincide with...

This is one of Katie's Dad's car - a Morgan. Her dad has one for everyday of the week mwahahaha! That's why Katie gets to play with this one. We are snobs and naturally when I say but aren't we getting the Metro Katie says, "don't be silly, we're driving!"

Back at the mansion, we play Russian Surrealists in the Jardin...

Katie reads some Poetry...

I read some Poetry...

Katie has a temporary obsession with ears. She is making an ear book to fit into an ear spacer for James.

The rest is just pure relaxation. What more could you want from a weekend in such a decorative city full of beautiful rich people with lovely clean cut poodles.

Katie in her £300 Raybans and £160 Gucci top (what a bargain!!). Bag is from Prada as well as my shoes, purchased on the Champs Elysees to her Dad's account with them.

I enjoy some of the Algerian squidgy and later a couple of grammes of cocaine. Katie has some pretty good contacts for drugs in Paris and having diplomatic immunity means we can safely take them anywhere and everywhere pretty much, just not directly under the policeman's noses... mwahaha!

I've got the Giggles now, the squidgy is damn strong...

Psycho, Hitchcock. Katie spies on me, like a cross dressing schizophrenic chestnut.

Well it wouldn't be Paris without a good old Coffee...

You can take Katie out of Britain but you can't take the Britishness out of Katie... A cup of tea please!

Katie reads the signs in the bottom of her Tea. It depicts there will be floods, but the heavens will show her something colourful and something beautiful come the next morning...

What does mine say? what does mine say? what does mine say? WHAT does mine say?

A nice view from Katie's dad's friend's mansion. Apparently he's a Lord and his wife has a fantastic Fabergé collection which she is most proud of. We visited the Hemingway Bar where Katie told me later apparently he bought her an egg through Sotherby's auction house for around 6 million. A small price to pay for such a rarity I say!

Okay stop taking pictures of me now. I'm buying my materials! Katie goes to a specialist shop (whilst in town, you know!) where she can get hold of some of the most sort after leathers for bookbinding amongst other materials...

We stop off at a bookshop to pick up a book that Katie wanted to get in French. I'm glad Katie is a straight A student and takes after her family. Her French is incredible. Where would I be sometimes without Katie? ... excuse moi, a gauche? a droite? sil vous plait? err...

Next we decided we go to Bound Bar. I thought I might not get in because it is pretty exclusive. The barman was overtly French, well dressed and extremely polite as well as some damned good shaking skills which earned him a luscious tip. We ordered two frozen large cocktails and found some seats. The walls were beautifully decorated in the VIP.

My obsession with lights and the strange trippy patterns they make... We are invited to artist friends for dinner. It is a small Parisian style kitchen, cramped and elongated as usual but a fresh break from all the luxuries in Katie's Holiday mansion. We help with serving the food as it is a while since we got to do such chores. I have to say, side-point, I do love the French cuisine!

After dinner, we take some cocaine.

I end up taking lots of pictures on intense macro lenses.

What...what's happening, I cant seem to... my eyes... my... I cant shut my eyes.

Cigarette after cigarette we stay up smoking drinking and sniffing the night away.

It's not Acid or DMT, but every now and then the walls do looks like flowers, and vines. And so are my hands and skin. Lots of triangular flowers. Loads and loads of them... At some point we are all wrecked and as we step outside into the morning to get ready to go back home,...

...The heavens open up and something beautiful is revealed to Katie and I!

Soon I'm back home and in my living room. The mansion has been well kept. I hit the deck for a day or two.

Open Jewish Culture Seminar, Brighton

These are some pictures from a conference/seminar for Jewish culture held in Brighton a few months ago.

In line with the Mayor of London's bid to get Jewish organisations to collaboarate for 2012 and the Olympic games, this seminar invited many heads from different organisations to sit together and discuss a number of issues as well as create links for future collaborations. Amongst these organisations was Jewish Book Week, Leeds Jewish Festival, JCC, Open Jewish Culture, the London Jewish Forum, Leatid Europe, Limmud and many more. Being a Jewish artist and cultural activist, I was invited to attend and contribute to the discussions which took place. Not only was it important to strengthen relations within, but also to discuss where we could all help eachother. Whilst I am trying to breathe life into the arts, contemporary Jewish art is one of the projects I am working on facilitating, so it was extremely important and very useful.

During the conference, many things were discussed: What is culture in general? What is Jewish culture? Since Jewish identity and culture is so diverse in the modern world how do we show this and support each difference together? Why is it important to have Jewish culture?

Together we all stood for a photograph.

Many museums and galleries that are related to Jewish arts in London, remain closed, traditional, rarely inviting younger Jewish artists to exhibit, and so it was important that I chair a few ideas of my own especially for the Young Jewish Arts/Artists project I'm attempting to build. This collective will showcase contemporary Jewish artistic talent from a spectrum of different backgrounds. In being its own collective, events can be organised with the YJAs in collaboration with various organisations/museums/gallery spaces in the future.

Representatives from different collections came to speak about the work that they do in lending important art, or objects for exhibitions.

Others were there to talk about building and maintaining social capital. The importance of the network, how this strengthens relationship and how it has been used even going back a number of centuries ago. It helps strengthen relations, your targets and eventual goals.

Ideas were fleshed out.

Food was vegetarian and was excellent, some of the best Vegetarian food I have ever ever tasted.

For now I am collaborating with Limmud in December for quite an exciting venture. Stay tuned!