Thursday, 7 April 2011

Less Thought More Action

Today, I'm happy to have been born.

1) Isn't failure just as important as success? Some of the best books, the best journals, the best works are compiled before the days when an artist or writer gets given success. And very often the great failures are better than the successes. They are the diamonds in the dirt that haven't be found or won't be found. We are all born and live beautiful lives. Don't let it become a silly sperm race.

2) Insanity=Why?

If we keep asking ourselves why we make work and what we make work for or about we will eventually go into the madhouse! "Why?" can be asked repeatedly to the infinite point of insanity. Why the materials?..why are you saying this?..why make this point? etc. etc.

Perhaps rule #1 of an artist's job is not to question things too much. So "why?" when a youngster gets to artschool do all they want to do is make them question their work constantly? Whilst people must learn to challenge themselves, they must also be careful of falling into this trap, surely?

Let the art critics spin themselves into thick webs. Too much thought and critical theory reduces an artist's actions and creativity. Keep it simple. Get back on track. Enjoy the aesthetics and the craft of your skill, without pondering too much serious thought upon the subject matter. Let a critic write you away with your subject matter, let the critic do away with your skill, your talent, your usefulness, let a critic enhance or destroy your contribution to the sperm race!

Just kick back, relax, enjoy the sunshine and make the work you wanna.

Yes, today I'm happy to have been born!

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